Ep. 11 - Calendar Reform: The 13-Month Calendar
Discover how the 13-Month Calendar (the Uniform Month Calendar) would fix so many issues with the current calendar and even afford you a free day of the year!
FIRST, CHECK OUT Dave Gorman's Comedy Routine on the 13-month Calendar! Then come back to learn more about the history, and a little about the seasons while you're at it!
Related Videos:
The 13-month Calendar by Dave Gorman: youtu.be/EcMTHr3TqA0
Reasons for the Seasons by Rebecca Kaplan (Ted-Ed): youtu.be/DD_8Jm5pTLk
Earth Slow Rotating for 1 Hour from Space (Scott Manley): youtu.be/uCcQ0satz08
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWpVQz-Ei30